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08 Jul 2022 | 08:02 PM UTC

Argentina: Nationwide anti-government protests planned July 9

Activists plan anti-government protests throughout Argentina, July 9. Tight security, traffic disruptions likely. Clashes possible.



Various activist groups plan to stage anti-government demonstrations throughout Argentina, July 9. In Buenos Aires, left-wing activists will assemble at the intersection of Avenida de Mayo and Avenida 9 de Julio14:30 before marching to Plaza de Mayo. Later, a right-wing demonstration will take place at the Obelisco at 16:00.

Elsewhere in Argentina, protesters various political camps will likely gather in central plazas and disrupt traffic on major thoroughfares.

Authorities will almost certainly deploy increased security near protest areas. Clashes between activists, opposing activists, and security forces cannot be ruled out, especially if officers attempt to forcibly disperse crowds. Disruptions to intercity transport are likely in some areas.


Avoid all demonstrations as a precaution. Allow extra time to reach destinations in central Buenos Aires and near potential protest sites in other major cities July 9. Heed the instructions of local authorities.