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04 Jan 2023 | 10:48 PM UTC

Mali: Power disruptions planned in Bamako area Jan. 5 due to scheduled maintenance work /update 1

Electric utility to interrupt power supply in Bamako, Mali, Jan. 5 due to scheduled maintenance; transport, business disruptions possible.



Mali's electric utility Energie du Mali-SA (EDM-SA) has announced plans to temporarily disrupt the supply of electricity in several parts of the Bamako area Jan. 5. The purpose of the interruptions is to allow for scheduled maintenance work on the network. Power supply disruptions are scheduled to occur at the following times and locations:

  • 08:00-16:00: Boulkassoumbougou, Djelibougou, Djelibougou Market, Djelibougou Red Cross and Red Plate, Doumazana, Fombabougou, Kouloubleni, Marseille Dableni, Moribabougou, Nafadji, Rastabougou, Sotuba ACI, Sotuba Ferme, Sotuba Village, Souleymanebougou, and Usine Imafer;

  • 08:00-18:00: Bakorobabougou, Banankabougou, Banankabougou Sema, Djaneguela, Dougourakoro, Faladie Socoura, Faso Kanu, Magnambougou, Magnambougou Rural, Missabougou, Niamana, Sabalibougou Courani, Sema Bole, Sifma Bole, Sogoniko, Yirimadjo, and Yirimadjo Zrny.

The electricity supply disruptions may last for a shorter or longer period of time than estimated. Transport disruptions are possible in areas subject to malfunctioning traffic signals. Localized business disruptions are also possible in impacted areas.


Charge mobile and communication devices when possible and ensure backup batteries are available. Plan for road travel delays due to possible malfunctioning or nonfunctional traffic lights in affected areas. Exercise caution when driving in the impacted areas. Verify that security systems are working. Ensure that generators are functional and refuel equipment where necessary. Identify business-critical functions that require a power supply.