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14 Jul 2023 | 01:03 AM UTC

Costa Rica: Activists plan to march in San Jose from 11:30 July 15 over alleged plans to privatize social security

Activists plan to march in San Jose, Costa Rica, from 11:30 July 15, over alleged plans to privatize social security. Tight security likely.



Unionized activists, including members of the National Union of Social Security Employees (Union Nacional de Empleados de la Caja y el Seguro Social, UNDECA) and public university leaders and student organizations, plan to march in San Jose July 15. Protesters are opposing the national government's alleged plans to privatize the Costa Rican Social Security Institute (Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social, CCSS). Officials have denied claims of planned privatization, although the CCSS is undergoing several reforms.

Demonstrators intend to gather outside the San Juan de Dios Hospital at Parque de la Merced at 11:30 and march along Avenida Segunda. While organizers have yet to confirm the march's destination, they will likely proceed toward the main offices of the CCSS along Avenida Segunda. Thousands will probably participate in the demonstration.

Heightened security and localized transport disruptions are likely at the gathering locations and along the protest route. The protest will probably pass peacefully.


Avoid the protest as a precaution. Allow additional time if operating in downtown San Jose July 15. Heed instructions from authorities.