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10 Jan 2024 | 06:50 AM UTC

Argentina: Activists plan to demonstrate in central Neuquen at 20:00 Jan. 10 against government reforms

Activists plan to protest in central Neuquen, Argentina, at 20:00 Jan. 10 over government reforms. Tight security, disruptions likely.


Activists from the Cultural Front of Norpatagonia (Frente Cultural de la Norpatagonia) organization plan to demonstrate at the San Martin monument in central Neuquen, Neuquen Province, at 20:00 Jan. 10. The action aims to denounce the policies of President Milei. The protest will occur as a "cacerolazo", where participants strike pots and pans. Several hundred demonstrators will likely attend the demonstration.

Heightened security is likely in the area, although the demonstration will probably remain peaceful. Localized transport disruptions are likely.

Exercise caution near the demonstration. Heed the directives of authorities. Plan for localized transport disruptions.