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30 Jan 2024 | 08:59 PM UTC

Argentina: Anti-government protest scheduled outside the National Congress in Buenos Aires, Jan. 31

Activists to hold a protest outside the National Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, starting at 12:00 Jan. 31.


Anti-government activists, including union members and supporters of left-wing political parties, plan to hold a protest outside the National Congress in Buenos Aires, starting at 12:00 Jan. 31. Demonstrators intend to oppose the approval of a large reform bill, known as "Ley Omnibus", which will be debated in the national legislature on Jan. 31.

Opponents of the bill say the plan to remain in the vicinity of Congress throughout Jan. 31 and even further if the debate is extended. Thousands will likely participate in the rally, which will likely prompt heightened security and transport disruptions in the area. Clashes between protesters and police cannot be ruled out.

Avoid the protest. Plan for delays and alternative routes if operating in downtown Buenos Aires Jan. 31.

The debate of the reform bill had initially been scheduled for Jan. 30, but government officials postponed it for 24 hours, as negotiations between the ruling Freedom Advances (La Libertad Avanza, LLA) party and independent parties continued without the certainty of a majority support of the bill. The "Ley Omnibus" was proposed by the Javier Milei administration in December, as one of its main major reforms to the Argentinian economy, and it includes a number of privatization plans, and deregulations.

LLA only has 38 out of 257 members of the Chamber of Deputies, and it needs support from multiple parties in other to obtain a majority of the votes in the lower chamber.