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26 Jan 2024 | 03:00 PM UTC

Argentina: Protesters gather in downtown Neuquen, Jan. 26

Protesters gather in downtown Neuquen, Argentina, Jan. 26. Traffic disruptions ongoing.


Protesters affiliated with local unions, including the Confederation of Workers of the Popular Economy (Confederacion de Trabajadores de la Economía Popular, CTEP), are gathering in downtown Neuquen Jan. 26. Participants have gathered outside the Government House (Casa de Gobierno), causing traffic disruptions as they block traffic at the intersection of La Rioja and Julio Argentino Roca streets. Protesters are demanding the payment of reportedly overdue salaries, among other things.

Heightened security and localized business and transport disruptions are likely near the gathering. The protest will probably pass peacefully, but skirmishes cannot be ruled out.

Exercise caution near the demonstration. Plan for localized transport and business disruptions. Heed the directives of authorities.