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25 Jan 2024 | 08:03 PM UTC

Germany: Anti-right-wing demonstrations to continue in cities nationwide through at least late January /update 4

Civil society groups to continue protests across Germany through at least late January. Increased security, transport disruptions likely.


Civil society groups plan to continue their ongoing campaign of demonstrations in cities across Germany through at least late January. The purpose of the action is to denounce what activists perceive as an increase in right-wing extremism and, in particular, certain anti-migrant statements by members of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Related protests have drawn large crowds in several cities, including Bremen, Cologne, Dresden, Munster, Bichum, Kiel, and Jena. Demonstrations in Berlin and Munich on Jan. 21 reportedly drew an estimated 100,000 and 200,000 participants, respectively. Planned protests over the coming days include:

  • Frankfurt: Protest at Rossmarkt from 17:00 Jan. 26

  • Dusseldorf: Protest at 34 Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse from 12:00 Jan. 27

  • Kiel: Protest at Town Hall Square (Rathausplatz) from 11:00 Jan. 27

  • Stuttgart: Protest at Schlossplatz from 14:00 Jan. 27

  • Hamburg: Protest march from 6 Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse through the city center and ending near the start point 14:00-17:30 Jan. 28

The listed gatherings could see attendance in the tens of thousands.

Demonstrations are highly likely in cities elsewhere across Germany through the end of January, with the largest gatherings probably occurring on weekends or after business hours on weekdays.

Heightened security is likely near all demonstrations. Road closures will likely prompt localized traffic disruptions. Counterprotests are possible, and scuffles between demonstrators and police or between supporters of rival political camps cannot be ruled out.

Avoid the demonstration areas as a standard precaution. Allow additional time if traveling near a protest or on major roadways into affected cities. Strictly heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Immediately depart the area at the first sign that any security disturbance may occur.