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28 May 2024 | 06:02 PM UTC

Bolivia: Protests prompting significant transport and business disruptions in Cochabamba Department May 28

Protesters causing major transport and business disruptions in Cochabamba Department, Bolivia, May 28. Avoid demonstrations as a precaution.


Protesting transport workers demanding higher fares are causing major transport and business disruptions throughout Cochabamba Department May 28. The actions are especially disruptive in and near the cities of Cochabamba and Quillacollo, where striking workers are holding street demonstrations and have blocked and damaged the tracks of the Mi Tren light rail system that links the two cities.

Protesters have also blocked National Route 4 near Janka Tarhuani, Payacollo, Colcapirhua, Sacaba, and Cumbre, as well as National Route 7 near Canelas, Carcaje Rosario, San Benito, and Punata, effectively cutting Cochabamba and Quillacollo off from the rest of the department. Additional roadblocks are likely as protesters shift demonstration locations.

Police are likely to deploy to all protests, and clashes are possible, especially if police attempt to forcibly disperse protesters and reopen roadways.

Avoid all protests as a precaution. If violence occurs, immediately leave the area and seek shelter in a secure, nongovernmental building. Allow for additional transport time throughout Cochabamba Department. Consider delaying nonessential transport until the protests end. Do not attempt to drive through protester roadblocks; wait for police to dismantle them before proceeding. Reconfirm business appointments. Heed the instructions of security personnel.