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06 Sep 2024 | 02:58 PM UTC

Bolivia: Strike in the Santa Cruz Department, Sept. 6

Regional activists launched a 24-hour strike in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, on Sept. 6 to oppose the results of a national census.


Members of the Pro Santa Cruz Committee (Comite Pro Santa Cruz) have launched a 24-hour strike on Sept. 6 in the Santa Cruz Department to protest the results from a national census recently completed by national authorities. Reports indicate that many businesses in the department are closed. Many colleges and schools have also ceased operating. Some activists have launched protests; a gathering has been reported at the Madre India roundabout in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, the regional capital. Reports indicate there are also roadblocks at Puerto Pailas Bridge and entering the town of Valle Sanchez. Most public transport services are halted. The bus terminal and the Viru Viru International Airport (VVI) are open.

Significant transport and business disruptions are likely throughout Santa Cruz through at least early Sept. 7. Further protests are possible, especially in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Counter-protests and clashes between opposing groups and police cannot be ruled out.

Confirm transport services and appointments if operating in Santa Cruz on Sept. 6. Heed instructions from authorities. Do not cross a roadblock if you encounter one. Avoid all protests.