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22 Sep 2017 | 07:28 AM UTC

Germany: Upcoming federal elections Sep. 24

Federal elections to be held September 24; current German Chancellor Angela Merkel expected to win; far-right party to gain parliamentary seats



On Sunday, September 24, Germany will hold federal elections that will determine the makeup of the country’s next parliament - the Bundestag - which will in turn elect the next chancellor. Current Chancellor Angela Merkel, leader of the main center-right party, the Christian Democrat Union (CDU), is expected to win a fourth consecutive term, her popularity having increased following the surprise election of President Donald Trump in the United States and the unexpected passage of “Brexit” in the United Kingdom.

However, there is a strong possibility that Merkel’s party could fall short of a parliamentary majority as, for the first time since 1945, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is expected to gain seats. Various rallies for the AfD have been held throughout Germany in recent days broadcasting an anti-Islam, anti-immigration, and nationalistic rhetoric. On September 18, hundreds of supporters of the AfD and of the like-minded hardline party PEGIDA gathered in the town of Dresden, hopeful to make the AfD the third-largest party in Germany.


Individuals present in Germany are advised to keep abreast of the situation and to stay clear of all political demonstrations as a precaution.