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01 Jul 2022 | 10:36 AM UTC

Argentina: Trucker unions agree to end highway blockades June 30; residual disruptions likely /update 2

Trucker unions end highway blockades in Argentina June 30. Residual disruptions are likely; smaller protests remain possible.



Activists from several trucker unions agreed June 30 to lift the highway blockades they imposed across Argentina. The decision came after large trucker unions, which included the National Union of Carriers and Related Companies of the Argentine Republic (Union Nacional de Transportistas y Afines de la Republica Argentina, UNTRA) and the United Self-summoning Group (Autoconvocados Unidos), reached an agreement on pay with the government. As of early July 1, grain shipments have been able to reach Rosario, the country's main port, for export.

While the frequency of roadblocks and protests is likely to decrease significantly, some lingering disruptions remain possible throughout early July as smaller trucker groups that have not joined the agreement may continue protesting. Increased security, road congestion, and localized transport disruptions are likely around protests. Clashes between activists and security forces cannot be ruled out if protests continue. Cargo shipping and delivery of goods are resuming, but lingering delays, fuel supply shortages, and associated business disruptions may occur in the coming days.


Nationwide transport worker strikes, including both truckers and dock workers from the Union of Port Administration Workers (Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de Administraciones Portuarias, SUTAP), have been carried out across Argentina since June 27. The purpose of the strike has been primarily to protest rising fuel costs. During the protests, dozens of roadblocks have been reported in several provinces, with the majority in Buenos Aires Province, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Rio Negro, Cordoba, Neuquen, Tucuman, and Corrientes. One truck driver was killed by protesters near Daireaux June 27 when trying to circumvent a roadblock.


Avoid all demonstrations. Allow extra time to reach destinations near potential protest sites in major cities. Heed the instructions of local authorities. Do not attempt to circumvent any remaining blockades; wait for police to dislodge them. Reconfirm shipping schedules and consider alternative routes for time-sensitive deliveries.