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09 Aug 2022 | 07:54 AM UTC

Mali: Attack leaves at least 17 soldiers and four civilians dead near Tessit, Ansongo Cercle, Gao Region, Aug. 7

Authorities confirm 17 soldiers and four civilians dead in an attack near Tessit, Ansongo Cercle, Gao Region, Mali, Aug. 7.



Authorities confirmed Aug. 8 that unidentified assailants, likely affiliated with the Islamic State in Greater Sahara (ISGS), carried out a complex assault against military forces near Tessit, Ansongo Cercle, Gao Region, at around 15:00 Aug. 7. The attack left at least 17 soldiers and four civilians dead and 22 others injured; several people remain unaccounted for. Security forces reportedly killed seven attackers.


Assailants reportedly used drones, mortar shells, and suicide bomb vehicles during the assault. Further such attacks remain possible as the security dynamic amid the French/European security force withdrawal may provide more space for regional militants to conduct attacks, hurting the already poor security environment. Despite continued security operations, armed groups continue to demonstrate a capability to strike civilians and security forces on a regular basis.


Exercise a high degree of vigilance due to the threat of violence across the country. Conduct travel during daylight hours with a security escort and only following a review of the route. Heed all official directives. Maintain contact with diplomatic representations.