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15 Aug 2022 | 05:16 AM UTC

Philippines: Authorities increasing security for the Kadayawan festival in Davao City through Aug. 21

Heightened security to continue in Davao City, Philippines, through Aug. 21 for Kadayawan festival. Transport disruptions likely.



The 37th Kadayawan festival will take place in Davao City Aug. 15-21. Performances and events celebrating the city’s 11 tribes will take place at the Bantawan Amphitheatre in Magsaysay Park, RMC Petro Gazz Arena, People’s Park, and San Pedro Square. An inauguration event for the renovated Bantawan Amphitheatre will occur at 17:30 Aug. 16 and will likely involve local government officials. Tens of thousands of people traditionally attend tribal performances, processions, and associated events during the festival.

Authorities have increased security for the events and plan to deploy more than 12,000 personnel throughout the city. Road closures are likely near event sites and surrounding areas, leading to transport disruptions. Officials will also conduct vehicle and pedestrian searches on main roads into the city, though officials have not publicly identified any specific threat to the celebration. Localized business disruptions are possible.


Unless attending, avoid event sites through Aug. 21 due to increased security protocols and likely disruptions. Plan for transport disruptions near the locations and seek alternative routes to circumvent the affected areas. Remain cooperative if stopped by officials for checks. Heed all official transport and security advisories.


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